The UDL Progression Rubric

In January 2018, CAST unveiled the new UDL Guidelines version 2.2 website. Now that you’ve got the latest UDL Guidelines, how do you measure progress in putting them into practice?
Enter the UDL Progression Rubric, a downloadable 8 page PDF tool by Katie Novak and Kristan Rodriguez, authors of Universally Designed Leadership: Applying UDL to Systems and Schools (CAST, 2016).
For each guideline and checkpoint, the authors identify teacher progress as Emerging, Proficient, and Progressing toward Expert Practice. Check it out and let us know what you think!
Download the UDL Progression Rubric (PDF)

Universally Designed Leadership: Applying UDL to Systems and Schools
Universally Designed Leadership by Katie Novak and Kristan Rodriguez is a guidebook for education leaders who are in the early stages of implementing the UDL framework in their building or district.