UDL Now! Series
Books in the UDL Now! series introduce the concepts of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to busy educators and school leaders, presenting a variety of strategies and practical suggestions to help build your UDL practice.
These titles are spearheaded by Katie Novak, EdD, an internationally renowned educational consultant, adjunct instructor at the University of Pennsylvania, best-selling author, a former Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Massachusetts, and founder of Novak Education Consulting. With over 20 years of experience in education, Novak has authored 15 books, including the best-seller UDL Now!. With a global reach spanning 33 states and 28 countries, Novak's guidance has significantly shaped educational practices on an international scale.
Several titles by Katie Novak are also available en español.

UDL Now! Third Edition
An update to Novak's bestseller to provide practical insights and savvy strategies for helping all learners succeed in a post-pandemic world.
K. Novak

Universal Design for Learning in Mathematics Instruction, K-5
Novak and Marlow bring their expertise in UDL to help educators bring equitable, inclusive instruction to the elementary math curriculum.
K. Novak & A. Marlow

UDL in English Language Arts
Katie Novak teams up with literacy experts to offer educators an insightful, practical resource that shows how to integrate UDL in the ELA classroom.
K. Novak, R. Hinkle, B. Parker, J. Poirier, A. Wolff

UDL Playbook for School and District Leaders
Novak & Woodlock lay out a step-by-step process to remake your leadership skills and methods through the inclusive principles of Universal Design for Learning.
K. Novak & M. Woodlock

Universally Designed Leadership
Veteran school leaders Novak and Rodriguez provide school leaders and educators with a guidebook for putting the UDL framework into practice.
K. Novak & K. Rodriguez

UDL in the Cloud
Practical approaches to help educators design and deliver more accessible, engaging, and effective online learning experiences.
K. Novak & T. Thibodeau

Let Them Thrive
An engaging UDL primer for parents that shows them how to support and advocate for learning opportunities that leverage their children’s strengths and interests.
K. Novak

Following "The Unlearning Cycle", educators are presented with a refreshing challenge to think again about what, how, and why they teach.
A. Posey & K. Novak
Katie Novak en español

¡DUA Ahora! Tercera Edición
Katie Novak brinda conocimientos prácticos y estrategias inteligentes para ayudar a los educadores a tener éxito en la enseñanza de todos los estudiantes en el mundo pospandémico.
K. Novak

Déjalos Crecer
La autora de bestsellers Katie Novak regresa con un atractivo manual de DUA para padres, que muestra cómo apoyar y defender oportunidades de aprendizaje que aprovechen las fortalezas e intereses de sus hijos.
K. Novak