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CAST Professional Publishing produces books that help educators at all levels improve their practice—and change students’ lives—through Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Jump to a topic: Learning Design | School & District Leadership | Culture & Language | Assistive Technology | Postsecondary
Learning Design
Resources for discovering the UDL framework and integrating it into classroom practice.

Universal Design for Learning: Principles, Framework, and Practice
An updated edition of Anne Meyer and David Rose’s foundational text on Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
D. Gordon

UDL Now! Third Edition
In the third edition of UDL Now!, Katie Novak provides practical insights and savvy strategies for helping all learners succeed in a post-pandemic world using the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
K. Novak

Universal Design for Learning in Mathematics Instruction, K-5
In this fast-paced, engaging new title in the UDL Now! series, Katie Novak and Ashley Marlow apply their expertise in UDL and equitable, inclusive instruction to the elementary math curriculum.
K. Novak & A. Marlow
School & District Leadership
Titles that provide guidance for those in leadership roles who are exploring UDL in different environments, and the challenges faced when implementing UDL in their institutions and professional development.
More on school & district leadership

UDL Playbook for School and District Leaders
In UDL Playbook for School and District Leaders, the authors lay out a step-by-step process to remake your leadership skills and methods through the inclusive principles of Universal Design for Learning.
K. Novak & M. Woodlock

Your UDL Journey
Ralabate and Berquist provide a guide—not a rigid step-by-step manual—for adopting UDL as the conceptual framework for an entire system, not just individual classrooms.
P.K Ralabate & E. Berquist

Supercharge Your Professional Learning
Kasia M. Derbiszewska and T. Nicole Tucker-Smith share concrete strategies that will help you design professional development sessions that are compelling, convincing, and sustainable using the framework of Universal Design for Learning.
K. M. Derbiszewka & T. N. Tucker-Smith
Culture & Language
Books with a lens on empowering students with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds through Universal Design for Learning.

Antiracism & UDL
Andratesha Fritzgerald reveals UDL as an effective framework to teach Black and Brown students, showing how teachers open new roads of communication, engagement, and skill-building for students who feel honored and loved.
A. Fritzgerald

Culturally Responsive Design for English Learners
Ralabate and Nelson braid two “hot” frameworks, Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) and UDL, to help teachers address the needs of English Learners in today’s classrooms.
P. K. Ralabate & L. L. Nelson

UDL for Language Learners
This book shows teachers how to plan for the variability and anticipate special challenges that occur when working with those whose primary language is not the language of instruction.
C. Torres & K. Rao
Assistive Technology
Books and tools for all educators and service providers interested in finding, acquiring and implementing high quality assistive technology solutions.

Assistive Technology Wheel
The AT Wheel is a handy, compact tool that maps student needs in a variety of areas to dozens of potential assistive technology solutions.

Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology
Filled with information and supports such as self-evaluation matrices, suggested activities, checklists, and other helpful tools, Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology is a powerful resource for those seeking to ensure that quality AT services are provided.
QIAT Leadership Team

The QIAT Companion
This new volume offers educators and families an action-based, “just-in-time” resource on Assistive Technology written by the QIAT authors themselves.
The QIAT Leadership Team
Exploring UDL as applied to higher education.

Delivering Inclusive and Impactful Instruction: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education
Delivering Inclusive and Impactful Instruction by Kevin Merry is a comprehensive and easy to understand introduction to implementing UDL in the physical or virtual classroom.
K. Merry

UDL University: Designing for Variability Across the Postsecondary Curriculum
Sixteen educators share their experiences implementing Universal Design for Learning in higher education.
R. Laist, D. Sheehan, & N. Brewer, eds.

UDL Navigators in Higher Education
Jodie Black and Eric J. Moore share strategies and resources for introducing UDL to postsecondary systems that can be transferred and tailored to address the particular needs, culture, and values of your setting.
J. Black & E. J. Moore

Deck of Spaces™: Higher Education Edition
The Deck of Spaces™ cards provide a crosswalk of the research-based Universal Design for Learning principles of pedagogy with best practices in the accessible design of built environments.
Gould Evans & UDL-IRN