Elevating Co-teaching with Universal Design for Learning, Revised and Expanded Edition
Elizabeth Stein

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$34 (ISBN: 9781930583993)
About the Book
Elevating Co-teaching with Universal Design for Learning is the silver winner of the 2024 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award in Education!
In this revised and expanded edition, Elizabeth Stein delivers a new structure, additional strategies, updated research, and fine-tuned language to show how best to apply the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles and guidelines to co-teaching.
Co-teaching—the practice of having special education and regular education teachers work together in inclusive classrooms—is a powerful way to ensure that all students have equal access to academic content. The inclusive framework of UDL offers co-teachers structure and guidance in pursuing their goal to create successful learning environments for all students.
How does UDL inform the lesson-planning process? What does UDL look like in the classroom? How do you get buy-in for the UDL approach from administrators, parents, and students themselves? These and other questions are answered in this must-have book for anyone interested in co-teaching.
Interested in learning more? Download a PDF of the Foreword by co-teaching expert Marilyn Friend.
Elevating Co-teaching with Universal Design For Learning, Revised and Expanded by Elizabeth Stein is available in paperback ($34, 242 pages, ISBN: 9781930583986) and EPUB ($34, ISBN: 9781930583993) format.
About the Author

Elizabeth Stein, EdD, has been a special education teacher, instructional coach, and educational consultant for more than 30 years, specializing in universal design for learning (UDL), and co-taught inclusive practices. She is an adjunct professor at Stony Brook University, New York. Elizabeth is a renewed National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) in literacy and the author of Two Teachers in the Room: Strategies for Co-teaching Success (Routledge, 2017) and other publications. You can follow
Elizabeth on Twitter at @ElizabethLStein.
Table of Contents
- Foreword by Marilyn Friend (View as PDF)
- Introduction: Embracing the Co-teaching Experience
- PART 1: It Starts With YOU! Getting Grounded With Four Key Ideas
- Chapter 1: Embracing Context and Learner Variability
- Chapter 2: Cultivating Expert Learners and a Growth Mindset
- Chapter 3: Exercising Flexibility as a Means of Addressing Variability
- Chapter 4: Applying Multiple Structures: A Review of Co-teaching Considerations and Six Models
- PART 2: In the Classroom: Partnering with your co-teacher and students and Students
- Chapter 5: Getting to Know Our Students
- Chapter 6: Planning Powerful Instruction
- Chapter 7: Empowering Students as UDL Partners
- Chapter 8: Creative Structures: Making Space for Strategic Learning
- Chapter 9: More Strategies and Structures to Promote Learner Expertise
- PART 3: In the School: Partnering with Administrators, Community, and Caregivers
- Chapter 10: Elevating Partnerships With Administrators
- Chapter 11: Never Stop Elevating! Reflections and Next Steps
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